
Volunteering is a great way to make an impact on the school and to make new friends in town! Regardless of your availability, we can find opportunities that will fit your schedule. We have ongoing opportunities and always need extra hands when we organize events. Below, we’ve done our best to describe the different ways you can be involved.

Every single volunteer hour is important and appreciated—none of what we do would be possible without your help. It is our amazing volunteers that make our school community vibrant, welcoming and successful.

Please contact us if you’re interested in any coordinator roles below and/or in joining the PCPA board for the 2025-2026 school year.

Current Opportunities for 2024-2025 School Year (as of 3/1/2025):

Roles People NeededDescriptionStatus
Spring Book Fair Coordinators2-3Work with School Administration & Nonesuch Books to put on a book fair fundraiser over 3 days.FILLED
Bingo Night Coordinator1-2Handle logistics and recruit volunteers for annual Bingo Night.FILLED
Teacher Appreciation Week: Lead Coordinator1Work with MSPA to schedule week’s itinerary to enable as much overlap between activities as possible. Facilitate communications/event promotions with parents (posting on FB, writing blurb(s) for PCPA newsletter, reaching out to classroom connectors, and printing/distributing flyers if needed).FILLED
Teacher Appreciation Week: Chalk the Walk Coordinator1Work with other TA Week coordinators to schedule the day (and rain date), make any needed promotion materials, make sure we have enough supplies.FILLED
Teacher Appreciation Week: Flower Day Coordinator1Make any needed promotion materials, make sure we have enough supplies, work with local businesses to secure donations. Secure 1-2 more volunteers to help with distribution.FILLED
Teacher Appreciation Week: Thank You Breakfast Coordinator1Work with local businesses to secure donations, work with administration on schedule & logistics, make any needed promotion materials, secure additional volunteers to help with set-up and clean-up.FILLED
Teacher Appreciation Week: Thank You Note Coordinator1Make any needed promotion materials, ensure that Allied Arts and other teachers are included.OPEN
2025 Cape Challenge Coordinators2-3
Set up race day logistics, schedule race timer, coordinate related fundraisers and sponsors.
1st Grade Fun Day Coordinators2-3Set up an end of year celebration full of activities, face painting and more for our 1st graders! FILLED
4th Grade Celebration Coordinators2-3Set up an end of year celebration for our 4th graders, including a memory book and slide show.FILLED

Looking Ahead for 2025-2026 School Year (as of 2/8/2025):

Roles (# of Volunteers Needed)People NeededDescriptionNeed
Board: President1(Starting with 2026-2027 School Year, this role shall be filled by the previous year’s Vice President.) Serve as primary contact for PCPA questions and requests. Recruit volunteers throughout year for events. Make sure PCPA is communicating effectively with parents, teachers, and administration. Serve as back-up coordinator for events/projects that don’t have enough volunteers.FILLED
Board: Vice President1-2Two Year Term: 1 year as Vice President, 1 year as President; role can be shared to have Co-Vice Presidents. Contribute to brainstorming and decision making at PCPA meetings. Serve as back-up coordinator for events/projects that don’t have enough volunteers. Learn the ropes for PCPA President role as preparation to take over for 2026-2027 year. Position can be shared with another parent.OPEN
Board: Treasurer1-2Minimum of 2 year term; role can be shared to have Co-Treasurers. Manage PCPA finances and budget. Work with Quickbooks. Contribute to brainstorming and decision making at PCPA meetings. Check PCPA mail box in staff room regularly.OPEN
Board: Secretary1(Minimum of 2 year term.) Co-write PCPA newsletter with President. Ensure inclusion of PCPA news in Principals’ weekly newsletter, make sure meeting agendas and minutes are recorded. Serve as back-up coordinator for events/projects that don’t have enough volunteers. Contribute to brainstorming and decision making at PCPA meetings.FILLED
Webmaster1Keep the website and our emails in working order, update plugins as needed.OPEN
Facebook Group Moderator1-2Vet member requests, post relevant announcements, post event and school reminders, make sure the community is following group rules, help point people to resources. Perfect for the person who loves putting gifs, memes, and canva templates to good use.OPEN
Classroom Connector Coordinator1Recruit volunteers to serve as classroom coordinators, create classroom assignments, facilitate communications between PCPA and classrooms by passing along messages that need to be distributed. Reach out to teachers to assess needs, preferences, and general staff requests. Periodically share teacher wish list with parents.OPEN
Clynk Coordinator1Order bags from Clynk for distribution to parents, keep track of bag/sticker supplies for each class, promote this method of fundraiser to parents, and make sure parents have an easy way to collect more bags when needed. Have a sheltered spot where parents can collect bags from you? Even better!OPEN
Lost & Found and Emergency Snack Coordinator1Periodically tidy up and organize found items, remind parents to swing by and look for lost things, check in with front office to make sure emergency snack supply for students is well stocked, solicit parents for donations when snacks are running low.FILLED
Kindergarten Welcome Committee2-3Reach out to incoming K families before the start of the school year to set up August playground play dates and the September Kindergarten picnic. Help prepare & distribute PCPA information packets with families.FILLED
Harvest Festival Coordinator1Lead a committee of 4-6 volunteers to make sure the Harvest Festival has events/activities, food, sponsors, promotional material and more.FILLED
Fall Book Fair or Pond Cove Night at Nonesuch Coordinators1-2Work with Nonesuch Books to set up a November/December Pond Cove Night in the store or 2-3 day Book Fair. Communicate with parents, recruit additional volunteers as needed, and promote event.OPEN
Maine Celtics and Maine Mariners Liaison1Help us fundraise by coordinating Pond Cove days/nights with our local sports teams. Communicate with parents and promote these events.FILLED
Community & Culture Night Coordinators2-3Work with the MSPA to organize a fun night of food & culture to celebrate the diversity that can be found within our small community. Reach out to families, coordinate with administration, set up logistics, and promote the event with parents. FILLED

Other Places to Look for Volunteering Opportunities:

  • Join the PCPA Facebook Group
  • Opt-in to Classroom Connector Emails
    (Not sure who your classroom connector is? Your child’s teacher will know.)
  • Subscribe to the PCPA Newsletter
  • Read the weekly updates from the Pond Cove Principal & Assistant Principal
  • Follow the Pond Cove Playground on Facebook

To volunteer in our school or on field trips, you must submit the relevant forms on PowerSchool, get a background check and view a volunteer orientation video. More on this process & additional volunteer opportunities here.

Not sure if you’re approved as a volunteer? Reach out to Sarah Gagne, the Cape Elizabeth Schools Volunteer Coordinator.