Spring Virtual Book Fair
We’re holding another online Scholastic Book Fair!
The PCPA will be hosting a totally virtual book fair for two weeks. Ordering is simple – log on, browse and pick out books, add them to your cart and check out, and they get sent directly to your door. If your order is $25 of books or more, the shipping is free!
Scholastic book fairs are an exciting tradition for our students, and we’re excited that Scholastic is offering this opportunity in lieu of an in-person book fair. This virtual fair is also a chance for out-of-town friends and family to consider buying books to benefit Pond Cove.
The PCPA will get a portion of the sales and the money we earn will go directly into funding teacher grants throughout the year. The dates of the fair will be May 10th to 23rd. Pick out some books for gift giving season and support your teachers!
- Use our special link to go to the ordering website
- Order books
- Books get shipped to your address
- You enjoy your books, PCPA gets a portion of the proceeds to pay for enrichment opportunities like birthday books and teacher grants